Prisma ~ The new sensation

Now a days taking pictures and uploading them on networking facebook, Instagram has become a new trend. Most of us use Instagram along with its filters to make our uploading pictures more attractive and align.

But now an app named Prisma has taken over it.

 By using this app we can apply its amazing filters to the image apart this,it turns images into hand work art. It looks like your image has been painted by famous artist.

It has got thousands of downloads with in few days.

Installing Prisma app on your Android is like carrying an awesome painter app in your pocket…and feels great to see our picture painted by a famous artist.

First, this app was released only for iOs devices but on 19th july they have released its beta version for Android also.

Prisma_ developed by Russian developer Alexey moiseenkov .It turns your images into famous paint work art…It includes the art style of famous artists like Advard Munch,pablo picasso,vincent ven gogh.

Prisma is far better than Instagram. It has lot’s of styles. It is a perfect combination of art and intelligence.

If you are using this than share ur experience with me….I m waiting for your views…:-)

59 thoughts on “Prisma ~ The new sensation”

  1. its’ very easy….you will have to first go on the browser, find some related content, copy it from the hyperlink and in other side where you are writing there is an option of URL and link text so paste it in the link text and in URL you can give a special name to this and finally done it.
    use it and share your opinion with me….waiting 😉


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